Financial Readiness Program Office Hours
We can answer questions about personal finance!

Mar 11 2025, 8 am - 4:30 pm
Mar 11 2025, 8 am - 4:30 pm
A financial counselor from the Financial Readiness Program will be holding office hours in Garmisch on March 10th and 11th to answer any personal finance related concerns including your tax questions. Due to limited time and availability, it is highly recommended to schedule an appointment. Appointments will be slotted for 30 minutes between the hours of 08:00-16:30 starting at the top and bottom of the hour. This is not tax preparation services, and the appointment time will be for answering questions and providing information. If you would like to discuss your 2024 taxes, please bring (or be able to digitally access) a draft of the tax return along with your supporting documents. Service members are able to prepare their tax return utilizing the free tax filing software from Military OneSource MilTax available at
The financial counselor will educate on varies tax topics including:
• Identifying where to find the information needed to complete the individual tax return
• Explaining terminology associated with preparing a federal income tax return: taxable income, adjusted gross income, deductions, tax credits, tax withholding, filing status
• Recognizing the difference between standard deduction and itemized deductions
• Understanding how to read IRS Form 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
• Clarifying why you may be receiving a refund or be required to pay in
• Reviewing current tax withholdings through MyPay
To secure an appointment time or for any questions, please email
Registration Information
It is highly recommended to make an appointment. To make an appointment, please email
ACS - Army Community Service
Military DSN (314) 521-3572