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CYS Sports & Fitness

Youth Sports and Fitness

Sports and Fitness Programs provide team sports, individual sports, fitness and health programs and, programming at Child Development Centers, School Age and Youth Programs. Pre-registration is required for Sports and Fitness Programs. Children and youth that are currently registered in CYS can be enrolled in Sports and Fitness using WebTrac.

The National Alliance for Youth Sports (NAYS) has a website for evaluation of coaches. Parents have the opportunity to evaluate coaches on the NAYS website. Parents must have the coach member number to rate their coach. You can get this number from the CYS Sports and Fitness office. 

Sports Physical

A sports-specific physical must be completed annually, prior to the start of the sports season. The form must be completed with a doctor’s signature and stamp, then submitted to Parent Central Services during registration. Hint: The best time to get your child’s physical — if possible — is in July. This way, your child’s physical will be valid for all sports for one full year.

Sports' Physical

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What sports are offered?
Various team and individual sports are offered throughout the year. These include but are not limited to soccer, basketball, baseball, tennis, archery, skiing and snowboarding.
2. Where can I find individual sports information? i.e. gymnastics, dance, karate, etc.
Information on current individual sports can be obtained from Parent Central Services or by contacting the Youth Sports and Fitness program at DSN 440-2599 CIV 08821-750-2599.
3. Where can I find information about current sports offered?
Information on current l sports can be obtained from Parent Central Services or by contacting the Youth Sports and Fitness program at DSN 440-2599, CIV 08821-750-2599.
4. How do I sign my child up for a sport?
At any CYSS facility once the family has registered with Parent Central Services.
5. What ages are eligible?
All youth ages 5-18 yrs old.
6. Where can I get a PDF copy of the sports physical online?
All registration forms are available on the website or can be obtained at Parent Central Services in B723.
7. How early must my child have a physical on file before participating in a sport?
Children and youth must have a current sports health assessment prior to starting the sport and it must last through the entire sport season.
8. How can I volunteer to coach?
Contact the Youth Sports and Fitness Director for a complete volunteer packet, to include background check paperwork (Installations Record Check). All forms must be completed and a positive background check returned before volunteer services can be offered. Proof of required immunizations are required for all coaches prior to team assignment. Volunteer coaches must also complete training prior to offering services. Training for coaches is available at no cost to the participant.
9. When do classes start for each season?
Practices start based around the general IMCOM sports calendar.
10. What is the regular fee for a sports class?
Fees are determined by the Department of the Army and outlined in the current DOD Army Fee Policy.
11. What are the registration/sign-up dates for each sports season?
Registration is offered by season and occurs in these approximate timeframes: Fall (September), Winter (November and January) and Spring (March). During the summer a variety of sports camps are offered (classes will only be held if the minimum enrollment threshold is met).

More Child & Youth Services


School Out Shredding

Get out and move on the mountain!

Mar 20 1:45 pm - 5 pm

Late Night Fridays @ The Youth Center!

Every third Friday of the Month the Youth Center stays open late!

Mar 21 5:30 pm - 10 pm

Kinderfest 2025

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Apr 25 4 pm - 6 pm

Kinderfest 2025

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Apr 25 4 pm - 6 pm