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Order Books From The Garmisch Library

The Garmisch Library is providing preorder and pick up services during COVID-19.

It's super easy!

Choose your books ---> order by email ---> get an email when your books arrive and head to the library to pick them up.



1) Need a library card? Visit your local library during business hours.

2) Once you have your card, search the online catalogue to find the books available at your library by clicking here.
There is a limit of 10 items at this time. 

Search for items by specifying "Garmisch Library" in the top search bar.

Please note that we can only provide you available items from the Garmisch Library at this time. 

3) Email us by clicking here.

In your email, please be sure to provide the following information:

  • CALL NUMBER (e.g. F Moy, 336.2 Fre 2018, VG Har, etc.)
  • ITEM TYPE (book | DVD | Blu-Ray | Audiobook | Music CD | PS4 | Xbox1 | Nintendo Switch | Other (please specify)

4) You will receive an email when your items are available to pick up.
The library will be open the following hours for pick up: 

Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday - Saturday: 11:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sunday: CLOSED

5) When you arrive at the library for pick up, please wear your mask and immediately disinfect your hands (use the public restrooms or the hand sanitizer at the clinic desk). Walk up the stairs and stop at the middle landing. Pay attention to the posted signs. Ring the doorbell and wait for library assistance. A technician will validate your identity, grab your bagged items, and set them on the top of the stairwell. Wait until the library door is closed to retrieve your items, then exit the facility. Be sure to practice safe social distancing procedures as you leave.

PLEASE NOTE: Returned items will be held for 72 hours before being checked back in as a precautionary measure. 

Thank you so much for continuing to support
social distancing and your local library!
We're in this together.

Find more library resources online by clicking here.
